Privacy Statement

The University of Alaska is subject to the Alaska Public Records Act, AS 40.25.110. Your application for employment, and other documents concerning you, may be subject to public disclosure under state law.

Any false statement made herein is sufficient reason for rejection of my application or termination of subsequent employment.

Submitting and application entitles the University of Alaska, or entities it may employ, to investigate all statements made in this application or attachments; to contact any of my former employers, educational institutions, or any other person or organization that may have information relevant to my employment; to obtain records concerning my past work, character, education, or military background; to obtain a "consumer report" and/or "investigative consumer report" as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act; to obtain driving records; to obtain any records pertaining to prior felony or misdemeanor convictions or pending felony or misdemeanor charges. I authorize that such contact or investigation may occur at any time before or during employment. I understand that I may be required to sign separate consent forms for this purpose.